Resep: Mini Brownies Donuts (versi simpel, plus pake donut maker)

Mini Brownies Donuts (versi simpel, plus pake donut maker). Get Donut And Doughnut at Target™ Today. Bake up to six mini brownies or donuts at a time with this easy-to-use two-in-one dessert maker. The compact countertop appliance comes equipped with a handy on/off indicator light and two.

Mini Brownies Donuts (versi simpel, plus pake donut maker) Simple Mini Donuts *This post may contain affiliate links. For more information see my disclosure policy.* I like to share our favorite recipes as we go here on Forgetful Momma. These simple mini donuts are a hit in my house and my kids want them all the time. Hello mom.Kali ini kita memiliki Resep Mini Brownies Donuts (versi simpel, plus pake donut maker). Resep ini memiliki 6 Bahan utama, dan 7 cara memasaknya.

Resep Mini Brownies Donuts (versi simpel, plus pake donut maker)

  1. Sediakan 200 gr chocolate compound.
  2. Siapkan 125 gr margarine.
  3. Cukup 3 butir telur.
  4. Siapkan 125 gr gula halus murni (gula pasir juga boleh).
  5. Sediakan 150 gr terigu protein sedang.
  6. Cukup 1 sdt baking powder.

My Bella donut maker is no longer sitting around and collecting dust. Thanks for the recipe, all the way from the other side of the world. We just got a mini donut maker today, which I purchased online. My little girl, and I, loved the taste.

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