Resep: Kue Leker
Kue Leker . Kue leker is a type of Indonesian crepe, made with wheat flour, eggs, milk and sugar. The crepe is served with various fillings, such as banana, sugar, condensed milk, cheese and chocolate sprinkles. The crepe is folded in half prior to serving. Give customers a reason to do business with you. Kue Leker is one of my favourite childhood snack. The seller using cart goes around my kampong neighbourhood. Hello mommy.Kali ini kita memiliki Resep Kue Leker. Resep ini memiliki 15 Bahan utama, dan 6 cara memasaknya. Resep Kue Leker Siapkan Bahan Adonan:. Sediakan 12 sdm tepung beras. Siapkan 6 sdm tepung maizena. Sediakan 3 sdm tepung terigu. Sediakan 10 sdm gula pasir. Cukup 1 butir telur. Siapkan 1 sachet susu bubuk dancow. Siapkan 1/4 sdt garam. Sediakan 1/2 sdt vanili bubuk. Siapkan 150 ml air. Cukup Bahan Isian. Siapkan 5 buah pisang. Sediakan 1 on...