Cara Menyajikan Ongol2 Tapioka
Ongol2 Tapioka. ONGOL-ONGOL Ongol-ongol is a traditional cake from Indonesia. KUE ONGOL ONGOL GULA MERAH TAPIOKA Biasanya klu bikin kue ongol ongol pakai sagu asli(sagu rumbia) tapi kali ini saya bikin pakai tepung tapioka. Pacaran atau lagi bikin ongol ongol?!
It has a soft, almost translucent appearance, and jiggly like a jello. It has a mild sweet taste with slightly salty grated coconut. PagesOtherBrandWebsitePersonal blogResep Masakan Kue Roti & CemilanVideosResep Ongol Ongol Tepung Tapioka. You can have Ongol2 Tapioka using 6 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Ongol2 Tapioka
- Prepare 1/2 butir of kelapa parut.
- You need 1/2 sdt of garam.
- Prepare 150 gr of tapioka.
- You need 500 ml of air.
- Prepare 150 gr of gula merah.
- You need 3 lbr of daun pandan.
Tapioca pearls are about the size of small marbles and have a distinctively chewy Tapioca is the foundation for a bubble tea drink. Find ongol-ongol stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. A wide variety of tapioca starch options are available to you, such as form, packaging, and. Membuat kue ongol ongol mudah dan enak. Нажми для просмотра.
Ongol2 Tapioka step by step
- Campur kelapa parut dan garam lalu kukus selama 10 menit.
- Campur tapioka dgn 300 ml air, aduk2 lalu sisihkan..
- Campur sisa air (200ml) dgn gula merah iris dan daun pandan lalu rebus hingga gula larut, tunggu hingga dingin..
- Setelah air gula merah dingin, saring lalu campurkan dgn larutan tapioka Sambil diaduk2 agar tidak ada tepung tapioka yg mengendap..
- Masak dgn api kecil sambil terus diaduk hingga adonan mengental..
- Bila sudah mengental angkat ongol2nya, lalu ambil sesendok dan gulingkan pada kelapa parut yg sudah dikukus tadi. Lalu susun dipiring saji.😊.
Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tapioca (homonymie). Le tapioca est une fécule, utilisée en cuisine, produite à partir des racines du manioc amer (toxique avant traitement) séchées puis traitées. Ask anything you want to learn about AL. RISKY by getting answers on ASKfm. Yandex map of Ongol-ongol: distance measurement; scheme and satellites photos view; make a Ongol-ongol, Central Java.
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