Cara Asik Memasak Donut cookies

Donut cookies. Read Customer Reviews & Find Best Sellers. Great Prices on Donut Cookies & More. You want the edges of the Donut Cookies to be golden brown.

Donut cookies Add the flour and continue mixing until smooth. Cut twelve cookies with a doughnut cutter, or cut the centers out of each cookie with a small round cookie cutter. While the cookies cool, make the glaze. Hello mommy.Kali ini kita memiliki Resep Donut cookies. Resep ini memiliki 13 Bahan utama, dan 6 cara memasaknya.

Resep Donut cookies

  1. Siapkan 100 gr margarine.
  2. Cukup 50 gr butter.
  3. Siapkan 85 gr gula halus.
  4. Cukup 2 kuning telur.
  5. Sediakan 100 gr terigu protein sedang.
  6. Sediakan 100 gr terigu prot rendah.
  7. Sediakan 25 gr maizena.
  8. Siapkan 35 gr almond bubuk.
  9. Sediakan 1 sdm susu bubuk.
  10. Sediakan Topping.
  11. Cukup 70 gr coklat warna ungu, putih, kuning lelehkan.
  12. Sediakan 50 gr Sprinkle.
  13. Siapkan 70 gr Dark cooking coklat, lelehkan.

Doughnut Cookies are just plain fun! They are like eating a little tiny doughnut. These fun cookies are simple to make and not too sweet. They are adorable on a tea party plate.

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