Caranya Memasak Lekker Holland/boterkoek/dutch buttercake
Lekker Holland/boterkoek/dutch buttercake . for recipe, amount and ingredients in Indonesia (bahasa) and English please read below. Video about how to make dutch butter cake / boterkoek / lekker holland at homeHi Everyone! In this video I'm gonna share how to make dutch boterkoek / butter. Dutch Butter Cake is a moist flat butter cake with crispy edges. This is a moist, soft butter cake, famous in the Netherlands. Dutch Butter Cake is super, super easy to make at home — you only need four ingredients!! Hello bunda.Kali ini kita memiliki Resep Lekker Holland/boterkoek/dutch buttercake. Resep ini memiliki 7 Bahan utama, dan 3 cara memasaknya. Resep Lekker Holland/boterkoek/dutch buttercake Siapkan 150 gram gula pasir. Cukup 100 gr butter (me: wishman). Cukup 100 gram margarin (me: blueband). Cukup 1 butir telur. Siapkan 1 sdt vanila cair. Cukup 220 gr terigu protein sedang. Sediakan 27 gram susu bu...